Homesick (hōm'sĭk')
experiencing a longing for one's home during a period of absence from it
acutely longing for one's family or home
longing to return home
They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder. I say that distance makes you realize what amazing friends I had back home, and how I kinda took it all for granted.
On Saturday night I came back from an all Covenant BBQ. I watched the last 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls and realized that in saying good-bye to the show, I was dealing with my longing to be in Lincoln where I'm known and loved. I have begun to grieve the loss of close community, and at the same time I hope that it will be created here in St. Louis. I have marked my calendar for my fall break trip home in October. I can't wait!
Lincoln People--thank you for being my friend! You are each amazing, and you each contribute something invaluable to my life.
Oddly, my life right now reflects a country song. I miss my home, I miss my friends, and I miss my dog. But, not to worry, I have beer to drown my sorrows in (just kidding).
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