Thursday, September 18, 2008

quote of the day

"You don't know what the triggers are until you can identify them."  

A doctor on Good Morning America talking about migraines.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

and the word of the day is . . .


The definition given to me this morning by Dr. Williams is, "an unclear word for clarity".  Cracks me up!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Last night I learned that 2 of my roommates enjoy licking people when they are unaware they are being licked.  It was a surprisingly long conversation for such a topic.  Strategy was discussed.  Licking people in swimming pools is advantageous, not only because they are wet and are less likely to notice, but because chlorine kills germs.  Having one or more friends join in the licking of an unlikely victim can be fun, so I've heard.  Licking elbows, also a good time.

I do not plan on ever joining in on this sort of "fun".

Monday, September 8, 2008

I have this tight feeling in my throat

Homesick (hōm'sĭk')


experiencing a longing for one's home during a period of absence from it

acutely longing for one's family or home

longing to return home

They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder.  I say that distance makes you realize what amazing friends I had back home, and how I kinda took it all for granted.

On Saturday night I came back from an all Covenant BBQ.  I watched the last 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls and realized that in saying good-bye to the show, I was dealing with my longing to be in Lincoln where I'm known and loved.  I have begun to grieve the loss of close community, and at the same time I hope that it will be created here in St. Louis.  I have marked my calendar for my fall break trip home in October.  I can't wait!

Lincoln People--thank you for being my friend!  You are each amazing, and you each contribute something invaluable to my life.

Oddly, my life right now reflects a country song.  I miss my home, I miss my friends, and I miss my dog. But, not to worry, I have beer to drown my sorrows in (just kidding).

Monday, September 1, 2008

First days

On Thursday I had my first day of classes at CTS.  I so wished I had some brand new #2 pencils to sharpen for the occasion, but alas, I purchased mechanical pencils.  I also bought highlighters and new ink gel pens.  I had an uncontained giddiness and idealism that has yet to be jaded.  I was alert (albeit freezing) for both of my classes, my brain whirring with all that there was to be learned.  There were hip new 3-ring notebooks for each class and unmarred syllabi to put in them.  

On my first day, here's what I learned:

I have amazing, passionate professors who want me to succeed.  One of them, Dr. Williams wrote the book Far as the Curse is Found, which I have been reading this August.

For a realist, I'm very idealistic about this season of school.

Take snacks and a long-sleeved layer to 3 hour classes.

This is going to be great.

Hopefully, forthcoming, is a picture of Karen and I on our way to class together.  I recalled the pics my mom used to take of my brother and I on our bikes (I had a banana seat) ready to pedal our way to our first day of elementary school, backpacks hanging over both shoulders, attired in new back-to-school clothes.  I bought a new t-shirt for Thursday.