Friday, October 19, 2007

The inevitable question

In just a few weeks, maybe days, my mom will ask me what I'd like for Christmas this year. When I was a wee grade school lass, my brother and I would pour over the toy section of the Sear's catalogue and pick out dozens of things we wanted, simply by seeing them for the first time. But, now, I have to be more careful. I am aware that there is a Christmas budget and my desires have grown more and more expensive. And, I am very picky, or specific in my tastes sounds nicer. So, this year I have created a wish list that I can email to my family with links to the products online. That way my family will know exactly what I'd like. The great thing about is though, is that the internet is like a gigantic Sear's catalogue for adults!

1 comment:

  1. My Mom asked on October 20th in the afternoon for my Christmas list.
