I have been reading
The Healing Path by Dan Allender for my Intro to Counseling class. The topic of hope has come up, and some of you know that hope is as much an area of interest for me as it is a challenge. Allender has come up with a definition of hope that resonates with the tension I feel towards it.
He writes, "Hope is not naive desire but a calculated risk that declares, whatever the loss, it is better than remaining where we are."
The tension for me is in the risk. I know that pain may be right around the corner, but it is better to experience pain than continue in my desires without taking any action. When I choose to hope, sometimes I experience pain, but more often than not, I experience a hint of my ultimate desire being met: to be known, to be in deep relationship with others. Even in the pain, I feel more alive than when I remain paralyzed by the risk of hoping, refusing to put myself out there, where it is safe, and I am ambivalent, numb, static.
Hoping is embracing the life to which we are called. Refusing to hope is remaining dead to our hearts.
So hope people! It may hurt, but it will be worth it!