Friday, April 11, 2008

Afraid of the dark?

Okay, so something I have always wondered about down here in the Haymarket Scooter's is how long does the motion-sensor bathroom light stay on?  Does it know when someone new comes in if the light is already on?  I still don't know the answer, but this afternoon while I was using the potty, the light went off.  The bathroom was completely black.  I'm fine now.


  1. i think that's one of the most vulnerable feelings in the world. sorry to hear it happened to ya. and by the way, i saw you on the front page of the lincoln journal star today! nice!

  2. I think the sensor lights could be dangerous for elderly or disabled folks--I'm serious! The lights went out on me in the building where my doctor's office is located and I could barely fumble my way out of the stall. Clearly, I haven't recovered yet.

  3. RT, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!

  4. This blog entry almost makes me physically ill. I'm not EVEN joking. Have I ever told you about my recurring nightmare about not being able to turn on the lights in the bathroom?
